Let’s Shoot the First Amendment

Sometimes people simply are Vulnerable and this is self-evident.

Sometimes given the huge Diversity of our population, and of the world, certain groups of people can benefit from Entitlement programs due to the entitlement claimed by others as the result of luck, greed, arrogance, or ignorance.

It is interesting that those that do not have to deal with being transgendered think they have the right to deny it even exists–this is a hide-your-head-in-sand approach to life.

We were all fetuses at one point in our lives, this is both Evidence-based and Science-based.

Are we seriously going to stand by, with our heads in a dark place, while the roots of the Second World War or McCarthyism get played out all over again?

Banning the CDC from using the above highlighted words should be an affront to all Americans.

Remember when even Catcher in the Rye was banned?

The heck with the Second Amendment, this is a direct assault on the First Amendment–perhaps the First Amendment will get shot by the Second Amendment.

Charles Buell